Some users may experience the sharer stopping during a sharing cycle. This is usually due to browser settings that put your inactive tabs to sleep, even when your computer is on and set to 'never sleep.'
Here are a few ways to ensure your sharing schedule runs as planned.
- Run the sharer on a Chrome browser with the latest version. Edge users may find that the tab is put to sleep immediately when they navigate to another website (a fix for this is underway).
- Check that the Energy Saver and Memory Saver settings are turned off for your browser. To do this, copy/paste this URL into your browser search bar and hit enter: chrome://settings/performance. Toggle both of these settings 'Off'.
- While on the Performance tab, add and each of your selling marketplaces to the 'Always keep these sites active' section.
- Clear your 'All Time' browser history and restart. To do this, copy/paste this URL into your browser search bar and hit enter: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData. Select All Time and then select Clear Data. Close Chrome and restart your computer once this is complete.
If you're still having trouble with your sharer stopping after taking these steps, please email us at for Technical Support. We're always happy to help.